United We Stand

Five Principles for Finding Common Ground in American Politics

United We Stand

United We Stand is an independent’s guide to restoring the confidence of American voters and bringing our two political parties closer to work together for a common cause.

Political Common Sense

United We Stand offers political common-sense solutions for avoiding a political crisis that will be felt for decades if we do not find a way to build common ground.

Clifford Michaels’ New Book

United We Stand

United We Stand leads readers through five principles that are designed to optimize cooperation in the American political landscape. Each chapter points out the problems, challenges, and threats that are facing Americans and explains how each political party is causing or exacerbating them. And every chapter provides the reader with a synopsis along with common sense solutions to fix these problems for a better America. By following these solutions, we will have a chance to build unity in our nation. 

What makes United We Stand unique are the candid common-ground solutions it offers for big, specific problems: government transparency, reparations to black Americans, gun control, abortion, education, elections, social media, political contributions, and the wealth gap, to name a few. These are issues that directly affect all Americans, even those who would not normally read a “political” book. 

Clifford Michaels, Author.

New Book Launching Soon

Clifford Michaels’ New Book

United We Stand

United We Stand – Five Principles for Finding Common Ground in American Politics

Coming Soon

50 States of America
Million Voters

Ameerican Politics

Quotes From The Book – United We Stand

“United we stand, divided we fall” is more than a cliché —it is a rule by which we must live. Foreign entanglements entering our political circles are not benign and create
conflicts of interest for our elected leaders.

Clifford Michaels


Author of United We Stand

United We Stand – Five Principles for Finding Common Ground in American Politics.

Clifford Michaels’ new book, United We Stand – Five Principles for Finding Common Ground in American Politics.